A lot has changed...
Pumpkin now is a very happy kindergartener wishing to go to school 7 days a week. She spent half a year in pre-K beforehand which made her transition smooth. She adores her young and talanted teacher and tries really hard always to do the right thing.
Recently I came across a great idea I want to share with you. Swag bucks! You heard me. ;) Basically, after connecting to this website you do your usual stuff on the computer only you search through their search engine. There is a whole system how you can earn swag bucks: by searching, taking polls, watching their swagTV.

You won't become rich but you can make a little something, and "a little something" helps.
Oh, and you can promote it on your blog (like I did :) ), through your social network profiles, and via email. It is like a pyramid effect: the more people you refer, the more money you'll make.
You are online anyway so might as well get the most out of it.
Please, if you are curious, click on the link and it'll open up a new opportunity for you. I hope I could help you and your family.
Connect through my link and become my new business partner. ;)
It is that easy!
Thank you and Good luck!